Reliable, Comprehensive Treasury Management Services
Our team of experienced Treasury Management Officers are skilled and dedicated to your company's success. Explore treasury management solutions for your business in the Greater Chicagoland area.

Remote Deposit
Deposit checks electronically from anywhere, any time of day, with your mobile phone or our desk top scanner. Save time and improve your cash flow with funds available sooner.
Let us manage a post office box for you to speed up collection of payments. Payments received in your lockbox are processed electronically to support your cash flow with faster access to funds.
Positive Pay
Reduce the risk of check fraud by having every check or ACH item checked for matching information.
ACH Processing
Set up one-time or recurring debit or credit transactions to pay bills, collect payments, or process payroll. ACH processing is convenient and more secure than using paper checks.
Wire Transfers
Originate domestic, international, or F/X wire transfers. Save time - there’s no need to visit one of our locations to send a wire.